Dust (Swahili : tifutifu)
***** Location: Kenya
***** Season: Cool dry season, hot dry season
***** Category: Heaven
The dust of the two dry seasons in Kenya is the counterpart of the mud of the rainy seasons. In both cases, it is the state of soil corresponding to the season.

Maasai cattle stirring up the dust on the football field
Kenyan dust mostly consists of soil particles. As the dry season progresses, the soil dries out, and its particles are blown here and there. Dust fills the air, it clings to clothes and hair, and it causes the coughs and colds of the dry season. Any shower is welcome, as it lays the dust... at least for a while.
Householders and their domestic staff sweep the compounds every day, to keep the dust under control. Cars are washed every day to rinse off the dust. Every hairwash leaves a basin of brown water.
The trademark of the Kenya Safari Rally seems to be pictures of race cars, each followed by a swirl of dust.
Text and photo : © Isabelle Prondzynski

East African Safari Rally
© PHOTO www.eastafricansafarirally.com

Worldwide use
spring dust, shunjin 春塵 (しゅんじん)
haru no chiri 春の塵(はるのちり)
harubokori 春埃(はるぼこり)
sand storm, sajin arashi 砂じんあらし(さじんあらし)
suna arashi砂あらし(すなあらし)
Yellow Sand, koosa 黄砂 coming from the deserts of China all the way to Japan
shunjin ya Tookyoo wa waga shinidokoro
spring dust -
Tokyo is the place
of my death
Suzuki Masajo 鈴木真砂女
Tr. Gabi Greve
Takano Sujuu (Takano Suju)and his
Spring Dust Haiku
chiri no mi no chiri yori karuki kochoo kana
a body of dust
lighter than dust...
little butterfly
Kobayashi Issa
Tr. David Lanoue
dust clouds
kigo for summer
Especially during summer, when loads of dust are in the air, it is rather uncomfortable and many Tihamis suffer from infected eyes.
dust clouds
up to the Highlands
burning eyes
Heike Gewi, Yemen, 2009
Things found on the way
dusty morning --
four sparrows splash
in car wash water
(8th place, May 2007 Shiki Kukai)
drought in the city --
even the bird bath
full of dust

Bird bath of All Saints' Cathedral Nairobi, full of dust
Photo © Isabelle Prondzynski
dusty wind --
a street trader selling
mugs without handles
dusty matatu --
people breathing inside
to edge it forward
~ Isabelle Prondzynski
a flea crawling
on top of my book --
our dusty classroom
~ Timothy Wambugu
my sister
dusting her open shoes --
Saturday date
~ Catherine Maina
father dusting
his bible and humming a hymn --
Sunday morning
~ Gladys Naomi
on the grass --
sports day
~ Sebastian Kimey

Dusty football practice
Photo © Isabelle Prondzynski
on the dusty road --
a street child limps
from jigger bites
~ Simon Magak
grey donkey --
rocking in the dust
to remove fleas
~ Elkana Mogaka
flea swatting
on the mattress --
dusty bedroom
~ Anne Wairimu
tall giraffe
along a dusty road --
tourist drive
~ Elungata Barrack
colonial bridge
crossing pedestrians over the
dusty railway station
~ Gideon Gichamba
hotter days
dusty environment
sick throats
~ Annastacia Muthoni
my shoes,
after arriving at school --
very dusty
~ Anne Wairimu

Dusty footpath
Photo © Isabelle Prondzynski
oh rain come
dust everywhere we go or sit
catching flu
~ Dorine Atieno
black shoes
turn brown --
dust all over
~ Mary Sharon Kaleche
the wind blows
carrying papers and soil --
it's dusty
~ Stephen Sigo
very dry --
cattle running across the field
leaving dust behind
~ Rhodah
brown sweat drops --
hawkers rest under the
dusty acacia tree
~ Hussein Hadji
dust --
white shoes
turn brown
~ Joan
a hot calm day
cattle walking on the path
brown dust behind
~ Angeline
after the rally
dusty cars
on the ramp
~ Sebastian
happy winners
on the dusty cars
pouring champagne
~ Hussein Hadji
a lorry passes
along the road --
dusty air to breathe
~ Opondo Mourice
dusty shoes --
wind blows across
sports ground
~ Khadijah
on a dusty road
rally cars speed up
dust rises
~ Kamau
papers fly
dust fills my eyes
wind blows
~ Yammame
vehicle move
along murram roads
dust all over
~ Fred Okido
dusty shoes --
students rest
under a mango tree
~ Titus
St Patrick’s Outing, April 2007
April dust --
handkerchief covered with mucus
cursing the month
~ Dorine Atieno (Peacock)
(6th place in St Patrick’s Outing, April 2007)
April wind --
itinerant traders
with dust on their goods
~ Teresiah Wanjiku (Bamboocha)
(9th place in St Patrick’s Outing, April 2007)
April sun --
sweat running down my
dusty face
~ Sarah Adero (Bamboocha)
(11th place in St Patrick’s Outing, April 2007)
April dust --
ants struggling to scuttle
through the dusty sand
~ John Mwangi (Bamboocha)
(12th place in St Patrick’s Outing, April 2007)
a dusty road between
two majestic rocky walls --
Hell's Gate
car after car
blowing dust into our faces --
the constant clatter of shoes
a dead wasp resting
on the dusty window pane --
no way through glass
~ Patrick Wafula
cloudy Saturday --
children play along
the dusty road
~ Nechesa Anne
wash me-
the dusty windscreen reads at
at the parking bay
scorching sun--
the little pond dries up
day by day
Hussein Haji
January 2011
stinky dustbin-
houseflies hover over
mango peels
Andrew Otinga
January 2011
dusty street--
a pregnant goat feeds
on mango peels
Patrick Wafula
January 2011
swirling dust--
coats clean basin water
in the sun
dusty car panes--
the back writings are clear
wash me
swirling dust--
take nylon papers
deep the sky
Barrack Elung'ata
January 2011
chilly morning --
a brown donkey pulls
a dusty cart
Synaidah Kalahi
Related words
***** Mud (Swahili : matope)
***** Kenya Safari Rally
***** Mud (Swahili : matope)
A wonderful selection of haiku,
and a memorable look at this part
of the planet.
Thank you, Isabelle and Gabi!
Simply Beautiful!
I'm happy this is not a contest, to choose the best would be difficult because each haiku captures the moment so well and to think it's been written by children.Truly amazing!!
I was greatly touched. . .
Impressive work Isabelle and GABI!
your friend from India,
Kala Ramesh
I found these moving and illuminating. Thank you.
Beautifully written series of haiku. Very talented writers in this group. Their words moved me tremendously.
Each haiku was so truthfully captured.
Truly amazing.
I was deeply touched
a friend
Dear Gabi san
It has been my privledge to see these students grow into fine poets.
Much credit goes to you and Lady Isabelle for your guidance.
The students' spirit is stellar.
A friend
Mountains rise from dust and earth,
and soar up to the floating clouds
in the great sky.
Tales of a Dust Mound
Translator(s): Dykstra, Yoshiko K.
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