PEACOCK Haiku Club - The Peacocks !
Wow! We are so delighted to be new members in the club. We call ourselves the Peacocks from St. Mathew Secondary school here in Nairobi. We thank all of you especially Patrick Sensei, Madam Isabelle and Madam Gabi for your warm welcome to the kenyasaijiki.
It is now raining all over Kenya after a long dry spell. We are very sorry that we missed out on the first collection on the longest dry season in Kenya but we thank God we have started writing just when the long rains are here.

Here are our introductory haiku about the Long Rain.
green parks
puddles all over Nairobi
maasai cattle are back
grüne Parks
Pfützen ueberall in Nairobi
Maasai Rinder sind wieder da
Anna Nechesa
flowers bloom
green grass all over
a kid chases butterflies
Blumen blühen
grünes Grass überall
ein Kind verfolgt Schmetterlinge
Mercy Osale
We look foward to sharing the fun and adventure of haiku with all of you.
Thanks a lot all of you.
Sincerely yours,
The Peacocks.

jovial faces
students in light-blue and grey
haiku in St. Mathew
© Photos and Haiku, Patrick Wafula
the longwaited match
taking place in Germany--
home of our sponsors
Dorine Atieno
Read the Peacock Haiku about the World Cup in June 2006
Der gemeinnützige Verein Harambee Kwa Watoto - Gemeinsam für Kinder e.V. fördert und betreut Schülerinnen und Schüler an den folgenden Schulen in Nairobi, Kenia:
Kwa Watoto Primary School (Kindergarten, Vorschule, Klassen 1 bis 8)
St. Mathew Secondary School (Klassen 9 bis 12)
A German organization is facilitating help for the children from these schools.

Click on the Banner if you read German. There are also some photos of the children if you click on the photo of the school above.

© Christine Rauhut
Since I found this connection to Germany, I translated the two haiku into German.
Gabi Greve, World Kigo Database
PEACOCK Haiku 002 April 2006
Peacocks' Haiku Collection May 2007
PEACOCK Haiku Club Records
Meeting of the Haiku Clubs of Nairobi
November 2006
Related words
***** The Haiku Clubs of Nairobi
1 comment:
from Caleb Mutua
dirty they look
kids slide and play
in mud
around puddles
students cleaning muddy shoes
going to school
kill! kill!
children screaming as they
see bullfrogs
naughty kid
scaring his friends with
a bullfrog
in the field
women pluck green plants for
preparing stew
market is full
coloured in red and green
tomatoes and kales
the street
dominated and coloured by
numerous umbrellas
drizzling starts
many hurry up to open
their umbrella
clouds are seen
sellers return goods indoors
to avoid rain
clouds are up
very eager to weep rain
I must rush home
Hope you reached home safe and dry, Caleb san! Thank you for sending us these Short Rains Haiku.
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