Long Rains Kukai 2009
St Mathew’s School, Kangundo Road
Season: Long Rains
On 30 May, the Haiku Clubs of Nairobi spent a lovely day as guests of St Mathew School on Kangundo Road, where some 100 haijin assembled for a kukai, including a ginkoo.
Welcome to St Mathew
© Isabelle Prondzynski
While we waited for everyone to arrive and register, we took a look at the sadly burnt-out classrooms which are still awaiting reconstruction.
Anthony Njoroge was once again our Master of Ceremonies, and we appreciated his leadership and his good humour. He recalled for us the joy we derive from haiku, and the many ways in which haiku speak to us in our daily lives (respect for the environment, keen observation, openness to inspiration). We were also happy that the school Principal came to open the kukai and that he gave us a warm welcome in his school.
The new Form One haijin were welcomed, and the senior haijin were appreciated -- both those who will be sitting their final examinations later this year, and those who had returned to be with us for the kukai.
It is a real pleasure to see that the Cocks (the adult haijin) are active and committed, and that those soon following them out of school are eager to join this haiku club as soon as they can!
The computer classes were reviewed, and haijin were encouraged to join Kenya Saijiki as soon as their computer skills allowed.
Shiki Kukai on the kigo of umbrella
Prizes were given to the haijin who had recently submitted haiku to the international Shiki kukai on the kigo of umbrella and had received encouraging results :
8 points
May rain --
an old man repairs
an old umbrella
~ Felister (Peacock)
7 points
rain showers --
a drop on the umbrella makes
a baby smile
~ Maurice (Peacock)
5 points
public meeting --
people under umbrellas
in the hot sun
~ Khadija Rajab
3 points
father and son
walking under one umbrella --
rainy day
~Maxwell George Onsembe
2 points
scrubbing the sticky mud
off the umbrella tip --
shoe shiner watches
~ Anthony Njoroge
radiant sunrise --
two lovers shading under
a red umbrella
~ Duncan Omoto
a man and his sheep
sheltering under an umbrella --
heavy rain
~ Kelvine Muchiri
1 point
drizzly morning --
a mother and baby
under their umbrella
~ Johnson Malombe
rainy afternoon --
four students sheltering
under one umbrella
~ Kevin Wanjala
May drizzle --
the lame old umbrella
leaks water
~ Rhoda Muteu
the long rains...
umbrellas now go for
double price
~ Patrick Wafula
Other entries selected
rhythmic raindrops --
passionate lovers under
an old umbrella
~ Hussein Haji
baby's shield
against hostile sunlight --
~ James Bundi
windy rain --
a man chases after a
destroyed umbrella
~ Emily Wanga
rainy afternoon --
students fighting over
one umbrella
~ Stephen Macharia
the long rains --
umbrellas for sale
and hire
~ Isaac Ndirangu
hot sun --
a bald-headed man shelters
under his umbrella
~ Periz Achieng
Appreciating and improving haiku
The next session was a discussion in small groups of haiku brought to the meeting. The best haiku was selected by each group, and the group proceeded to improve the haiku in a joint effort.

Working in small groups
© Isabelle Prondzynski
The three best haiku brought forward by the groups were :
acacia tree
in the rhythm of the wind --
rain showers
~ Job (Peacock) as amended
cold night --
my cat rubs herself on my skin
for warmth
~ Vivian (Bamboocha)
little boys
dressed in warm jackets --
chilly morning
~ Wambui (Peacock) as amended
Writing haiku at the ginkoo
© David Kimani Mwangi
Ginkoo - the Haiku Walk
After the lunch break, we held a ginkoo, having reminded ourselves of the basic rules of haiku. The area around the school offered plenty of opportunities for walking and observing, and many haiku were written during the hour.
The jury is now growing with each ginkoo, as the Cocks have volunteered to help with the judging. Today, there were six of us, and it was a pleasant experience to work together.
The jury at work
© Isabelle Prondzynski
The final result was :
May showers --
a muddy boot abandoned
under a tree
~ Aisha Malik
sunny day --
mosquito larvae swimming
in pothole water
~ Kevin Wekesa
napier grass dances
to the rhythm of the wind --
May rain
~ Jacinta Wanza
(Pennisetum purpureum
Elephant Grass, Napier Grass or Uganda Grass)
on the wireline
a shirt slowly swings --
breezy moment
~ Emily Wanga
joined wires
they all sag uniformly --
sunny afternoon
~ Jacinta Mueni
from iron-sheet roofs --
sunny afternoon
~ Benard Nyerere
tree frog
rides on a banana frond --
cool afternoon
~ Dorcas Wangare
hot sun
burns my black forehead --
straining my eyes
~ Anne Wairimu
long rains --
a girl jumps to pass
a pothole of water
~ Maurice Opondo
cool breeze --
a cat resting on a
window pavement
~ Arnold
The first ten prizewinners
© Isabelle Prondzynski
cow's hoof
print on the mud --
~ James Bungi
zooming dragonfly
on stagnant muddy water --
sunny afternoon
~ Yamame Winslause
breezy May noon --
the sun hides under
light clouds
~ Catherine Maina
satisfied goats
resting on the green grass --
sunny afternoon
~ Beatrice Omari
hot sun --
two lovers shading
under the tree
~ Duncan Omoto
sunny afternoon --
dirty child seated under
a sisal tree
~ Beryl Muthiki
hot afternoon --
a cat rests beside the wall
for a shade
~ Marion Masinde
lorry stuck in mud
friends gather to push it out --
long rains
~ Margaret Nzilili
haiku members
seriously observing the weather --
hot afternoon
~ Onesmus Mutua
hot evening --
lizard sheltering itself
under the wall
The runners-up
© Isabelle Prondzynski
St Mathew's kukai, 30 May 2009
Photo Album
Text © Isabelle Prondzynski
Related words
***** The Haiku Clubs of Nairobi
***** Umbrella
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