
Maasai and their cattle Masai


Maasai Cattle

***** Location: Kenya (Nairobi)
***** Season: Hot dry season, cool dry season
***** Category: Animal


In the city of Nairobi and its suburbs, home to some 2 million people, Maasai cattle make an appearance regularly during the dry seasons, when vegetation becomes scarce in the Maasai countryside. More recently, since global warming started, the Maasai never quite leave Nairobi, even during the rainy seasons, but settle down in their temporary villages in the bush near the International Airport. But when drought strikes, they venture all the way into the city centre, browse along the main highways and in the public parks, and spread into the leafy suburbs of Karen to graze where they can still find grass.

[Photo November 2005]

The people of Nairobi are highly tolerant of the Maasai herds, and are well used to their strolling down dual carriageways, attended by their keepers clad in traditional red cloths. It is only when they take to narrow streets that they arouse irritation, as their horns are long and straight, and they have been known to break many a window in their search for grass.

The cattle graze along verges and in public parks, but cause very little damage to the roots and soil, as they keep gently moving along all the time on the dry earth. Anyone who plants a kitchen garden or a flower patch that is not securely fenced in, will not see much surviving after the Maasai cattle have passed, but I have never heard more than a moan about them, as everyone understands that the cattle too must eat.

[Photo January 2006]

Maasais have a close and religious relationship with their cattle (see below), and above all else want them to thrive and multiply. The cattle always look well cared for, and are herded in a gentle manner by their keepers, who are usually paid by several owners to look after them. Their purpose is to own cattle, and only very rarely will they slaughter an animal for a celebration. They do, however, enjoy their milk and their blood and, unlike many African nations, have no allergy against milk, which from time immemorial they have enjoyed.

The current (2006) drought and famine, the worst for many decades, shows its severity by the fact that Maasai cattle are dying in large numbers even as the people too are suffering and dying. The article which you will find directly below concerns the work of a friend of mine, Ronnie Briggs, who returned to his Kenyan home in Kajiado (February 2006), after some months spent in Ireland.

Text and photos (c) Isabelle Prondzynski


Work Begins on Food Distribution Centres in Kajiado

January saw the launch of CMSIreland's 'Food for Thought' appeal, in response to the famine situation in Kenya. Ronnie Briggs, a CMSIreland Mission Partner, has recently travelled back to Kenya and is working to help deliver the programme on the ground.

Writing from Kajiado (in the heart of Maasai country) he says, "I have arrived safely and am beginning to get my head around what is going on here. Even though I have not yet travelled very far I can see that the famine and drought are hitting very hard - there is much distress and suffering. Dead animals are lying at the side of the road - including wild animals which is quite unusual as they are normally more suited to severe conditions than domestic animals. There are heaps of dead animals lying outside villages. When they can't get up in the morning they soon die and so they are heaped up and eventually burned. The smell is awful!"

The local church has been gathering together groups, pastors and evangelists from around the diocese in order to train them in how best to manage the distribution of food -- ensuring that it reaches the most needy. Now they are just waiting for enough food to arrive at the centres.

Ronnie says, "All the energies of the Diocese are extremely focused on this issue. I have already heard some awful stories of the effect of the famine in some of the remote parts of the Diocese. One man - a headmaster in a primary school - was almost in tears as he related the situation in Torosei - one of our nominated centres - as they have not received any help at all so far. This kind of story is repeated in numerous places all over the Diocese".

Quoted from here.


Prayer for Rain

Almighty God, Giver of life and strength,
creator of rain and sky, dust and earth,
preserver of people and plants and animals :
as our cattle leave their enclosures,
as we work on a dry and weary land,
we look to you, our heavenly showers,
quench our thirst, strengthen our herds,
raise our crops and refresh our land;
Through Jesus Christ, the water of life. Amen

-- Our Modern Services, 2002 (c) Anglican Church of Kenya


From Naomi Kipury's excellent "Oral Literature of the Maasai"
(1983: East African Educational Publishers Ltd., PO Box 45314 Nairobi, Kenya).

The Origin of Cattle, collected by Naomi Kipury

In the beginning, the Maasai did not have any cattle. One day God called Maasinta, who was the first Maasai, and said to him: "I want you to make a large enclosure, and when you have done so, come back and inform me."

Maasinta went and did as he was instructed, and came back to report what he had done. Next, God said to him:

"Tomorrow, very early in the morning, I want you to go and stand against the outside wall of the house for I will give you something called cattle. But when you see or hear anything do not be surprised. Keep very silent."

Very early next morning, Maasinta went to wait for what was to be given him. He soon heard the sound of thunder and God released a long leather thong from heaven to earth. Cattle descended down this thong into the enclosure. The surface of the earth shook so vigorously that his house almost fell over.

Maasinta was gripped with fear, but did not make any move or sound. While the cattle were still descending, the Dorobo, who was a house-mate of Maasinta, woke up from his sleep. He went outside and on seeing the countless cattle coming down the strap, he was so surprised that he said "Ayieyieyie!", an exclamation of utter shock.

On hearing this, God took back the thong and the cattle stopped descending. God then said to Maasinta, thinking he was the one who had spoken: "Is it that these cattle are enough for you? I will never again do this to you, so you had better love these cattle in the same way I love you." That is why the Maasai love cattle very much.

How about the Dorobo? Maasinta was very upset with him for having cut God's thong. He cursed him thus: "Dorobo, are you the one who cut God's thong? May you remain as poor as you have always been. You and your offspring will for ever remain my servants. Let it be that you will live off animals in the wild. May the milk of my cattle be poison if you ever taste it." This is why up to this day the Dorobo still live in the forest and they are never given milk.

This page is part of Jens Finke's
Traditional Music and Cultures of Kenya


To the Maasai cattle are sacred and a direct gift from the heavens. Grass is also considered a blessing and sacred. When passing a fig tree, it is customary for the Maasai to push handfuls of grass between the roots, as homage to the source of their herds. One of the more common Maasai greetings is "I hope your cattle are well".



The life of the Masai tribe of Kenya and Tanzania revolve around cattle. Virtually all social roles and status derive from the relationship of individuals to their cattle. Cow's milk, together with blood, is the staple food of the Masai who eat no fruit or grain. Once a month, blood is taken from living animals by shooting a small arrow into the neck. This blood is then mixed with milk in a gourd which has been washed with urine to prevent spoilage.

Masai cattle vary considerable due to the centuries old practice of stealing cattle from neighboring tribes. This is sanctioned by the Masai legend with relates that Ngai (God) sent them cattle at the beginning of time and gave them the sole right to keep them. Compared with cattle belonging to the surrounding tribes, Masai cattle are the largest and in the best condition. This is due largely to the generous amount of milk the young calves get.

As a rule, the Masai have so many cattle that only a portion of the milk is needed for human consumption and there is plenty left for the calves. Females stand 125 cm tall and weigh about 360 kg while bulls are 140 cm at the withers and weigh 400 kg. The breed has a characteristically small narrow head. The dewlap is quite large, the chest is relatively deep and the whole body is well muscled. Coloration varies although the Masai favor brindled animals.

© Photo provided by Drew Conroy




The Maasai believe in one God, whom they call Ngai. Ngai is neither male nor female, but seems to have several different aspects. For instance, there is the saying Naamoni aiyai, which means "The She to whom I pray". There are two main manifestations of Ngai: Ngai Narok which is good and benevolent and is black; and Ngai Na-nyokie, which is angry and red, like the British. For a story which has them as separate gods, see Thunder and the Gods.

Ngai is the creator of everything. In the beginning, Ngai (which also means sky) was one with the earth, and owned all the cattle that lived on it. But one day the earth and sky separated, so that Ngai was no longer among men. The cattle, though, needed the material sustenance of grass from the earth, so to prevent them dying Ngai sent down the cattle to the Maasai by means of the aerial roots of the sacred wild fig tree, and told them to look after them. This they do to this day, quite literally taking the story as an excuse to relieve neighbouring tribes of their own livestock.

Any pursuit other than a pastoral one was considered insulting to Ngai and demeaning to them. No Maasai was willing to break the ground, even to bury the dead within it, for soil was sacred on account of its producing grass which fed the cattle which belonged to God... Equally, grass has acquired a semi-sacred aura, and is held in the fist as a sign of peace, and similarly held is used for blessings during rituals, a sheaf of grass being shaken at the people or animals being blessed.

No surprise, then, to find that cattle play an important role in ritual occasions, such as initiation, marriage, and the passage of one age-set to the next, where their sacrifice bridges the gap between man and God. Yet for all the deep significance cattle embody for the Maasai, a stupid person will still be referred to as a cow or a sheep!

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


cold dew at sunrise --
thirsty soil, thirsty cattle
dust soon covers all

Maasai cattle
thronging city streets
their silent guards

Isabelle Prondzynski, February 2006


Haiku from the drought of 2006

austere drought
withered grasses and trees
carcasses all over

Catherine Njeri

ooo ooo ooo

austere drought
deserted manyattas
animal carcasses

Patrick Wafula

manyattas are houses build with mud walls, where the Maasai live.

ooo ooo ooo

dry whirlwinds blow
Maasais and their cattle flee
carcasses and stench

Teresia Wanjiku

Bahati Poetry Haiku Club Meeting January 2006


maasai herdsmen
lead hungry cows across
an empty field

James Bundi
January 2011

Related words

. Masai, Maasai, Massai
topic for Kenya haiku

While it’s true that the Maasai are largely pastoralist, urbanization and other modern forces have forced others to adapt a new life though much informed by their former way of life.

The Urban Maasai still hold their culture dearly. They move along in clusters, holding their rungu and in most cases with their traditional dressings. Rarely will you see a Maasai walking alone. They have to a large extended defied the power of individualism. They live as a community. They communicate to one another through their mother tongue. They share the place of living thus minimizing the cost of living. In most cases they live in the building that they guard. In most cases this are building that are still under construction and those which are not yet rented.

Their economy is based on employment as guards. Maasai are believed to be good askaris due to their braveness. Thus also provide security to those who get home late, those who go to work in late hours. Beside provision of security the Maasai are employed in nyama choma (roast meat) joints. In recent times they are been involved in small vending businesses – such as selling sweets, cigarettes, milk, bread and such related commodities. Their businesses are located in the gates of estates, on the road sides and at the bus stops. I have not met a Maasai selling fruits yet.

It is the male Maasai that are dominant in the city center. Their wives are left in the rural area and the male always makes visit to their rural areas whenever they have earned enough money. This enables the Maasai community to live they way they do in the city.

young maasai
jumping and singing - -
cold morning

holding a stick
they pierce the mist in turns - -
the Maasai

a small crowd
celebrate the Maasai dance - -
another crow

Antony Njoroge
January 2010


Masai herdsmen--
lead hungry cows a cross
an empty field

Barrack Elungata
January 2011


***** Cow (Pashu, Gai) The Holy Cow of India





LORNA Haiku Club


The FALCONS Haiku Club

The Lorna Waddington High School Haiku Club!

LORNA Haiku Club Records



A student-
Walking down a Soweto Street
His shoes squelching in mud

Outside our house-
Chicken peck grasshoppers
In the green grass

The white pelicans
Striding among cattle
In green pastures yonder

At Marikiti-
Trucks loaded with mangoes
Queue to offload

In the village-
Outside our mud house
Children play mtereso

*mtereso* a children’s game of sliding over mud.

At Soweto Market-
Crowds mill around
Buying fruits and veges

*veges* short for vegetables

A woman-
Looking very happy
Bites a juicy pear

Happy-looking women
Selling fresh pears
In market stalls

Happy-looking farmers
Delivering milk at KCC
Money is not a problem

*KCC* Kenya Co-operative Creameries.

Pastoralists smile-
Green pastures all over
Their livestock increase

Soiled farmers-
Planting maize and beans
Tired faces

A dark carpet
Covering the sky all day
Umbrellas vanish from shops

Happy-looking shopkeepers
Umbrellas and omo
Disappear from shops

*omo* A detergent.


Collection from July 2006

in their torn shoes
the people walk chock chock--

Catherine Muhonja

roads get flooded
and cars get stuck---

Paul Musyoka

a vehicle is stuck
on the muddy Soweto road--
Susan Wajau

a dashing car splashes
water on a lady in white
along the road
Rose Wanjiru Maina

helpless ants
struggling in a puddle--

Joshua Luvinzu

rainy season
brings stagnant water---
mosquitoes buzz around
Kadima Zipporah

Kayole River--
flows in its curvy way
taking garbage away
Lilian Kiyaka

the rain falls--
Nairobi hawkers
have no job
Everlyne Ngang'a

a lot of mosquitoes
spreading malaria--
the rain
Ouko Hellen

mosquitoes multiply
and people rush for nets--

Boniface Mutua

my child is drowning--
a woman screams loudly
from the riverbank

Domitillar Mutheu

Gikomba Market
is flooded and muddy--
hawkers hold their goods

Indombo Carolyne

flooded markets--
and hawkers carry
goods in hand
Ashraf Baraza

muddy Soweto streets--
villagers wearing boots
walk up and down

Jacklyne Aoko

cars dashing
on busy Valley Road
splash water on people

Erastus Mella

Baba Shiro is confounded
as his car is stuck in quagmire--
Shiro is sleepless
Patrick Gakuo

Note : Baba Shiro : Shiro's father

Wanjiku struggles
to trap water from their roof--
raining in Soweto
Hudson Mukanzi

Note : Wanjiku is a woman's name. Wanjiku also represents THE ordinary Kenyan citizen

muddy splashes
on people's clothes--
much washing
Mary Nabwire

moving cars
splash water on the road--
fuming pedestrians
Seline Aluoch

a frog jumping
across my feet as I draw
water from the river
Rebecca Akinyi

clouds become darker
and a spattering on the roofs--
the rainbow
Victor Amboko

shoes become
too heavy to lift--
rainfall in Soweto
Lilian Awino

a drunkard drowns
in flooded Kayole River--
burial rites
Billy Omalla

children slip and fall
mothers have plenty to wash--
Irene Adisa

a black ant
drowned in a puddle--
this rain
Hillary Mbiti

a crawling baby
splashes her hand in a puddle--
mother concerned
Risper Kwamboka

children play in puddles
dirtifying themselves--
screaming mothers
Beatrice Anyango

a throng of children--
watching a chick drowned
in a puddle

Kamau M. Mathew

stagnant water--
frogs crock korrr korrr
all night
Johnson Mwangi

the rain causes
our vehicle to get stuck--
my mother is angry

Nyambura Serah

lightning strikes
as the silvery drops fall--
John caries his umbrella

umbrella over my head
as I go to the market--
this rain

a black ant--
drowned in water
in a basin

Beatrice Wangari

Muli's house is flooded
as it rains in Soweto--
shouts of help
Ian Kamau

my feet slide
in mud on Soweto streets--
John Mutahi


Meeting of the Haiku Clubs of Nairobi
November 2006

Related words

***** Bahati Haiku Club, Nairobi



Long Rains


Long Rain

***** Location: Kenya
***** Season: Long Rains
***** Category: Heaven


Long rains
This is a season in itself in Kenya and other parts of Africa.
It rouhgly lasts from March to May.
It normally accounts for 80 percent of total annual food production in Kenya.


Worldwide use

Things found on the way


gray sky all day
spattering sounds on the roofs
umbrellas over heads

Spider Haiku Club,
Lorna Waddington High School
Nairobi, April 2006


It has finally started to rain in Kenya in March 2006, after a very long drought.

Here are some haiku from the Bahati Haiku Club members, after the rains finally started !

a striking light
scaring the children
everybody hides

-- Anderson Mwendwa

a bright flash
a lighted plain
a child yells

a scary roar
a bright flash
scared faces

-- Irene Adisa

a scary roar
a blue-white flash
chicken quack

-- Patrick Wafula

furious waters
sweeping away people's property
fear on every face

-- Samson Mungai

wave blowing
trees fall down
everybody feels it

-- Anderson Mwendwa

multiple coloured bow
streaking across the sky
in a sunny drizzle

-- Patrick Wafula


Long Rain in Nairobi
Juhudi Children's Club Haiku, April 2009

The children were aged 7-14.


Related words

***** World Kigo Database: Monsoon, India

***** World Kigo Database : Rainy Season (tsuyu) Japan -


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Literature of Kenya

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Poetry and Literature of Kenya

Quote from Travel Guide Kenya:

The oldest form of written poetry in Kenya is from the coast.
Swahili poetry reads beautifully even if you don't understand the words. Written for at least 300 years, and sung for a good deal longer, it's one of Kenya's most enduring art forms. An Anthology of Swahili Poetry has been compiled and rather woodenly translated by Ali A Jahadmy (o/p), but some of Swahili's best-known classical compositions from the Lamu archipelago are included, with pertinent background.
There's a more enjoyable anthology of romantic and erotic verse, A Choice of Flowers , with Jan Knappert 's idiosyncratic translations and interpretations (o/p), and the same linguist's Four Centuries of Swahili Verse (Darf, UK & US), which expounds and creatively interprets at much greater length.

Up-country poetry in the sense of written verse is a recent form. But oral folk literature was often relayed in the context of music, rhythm and dance.

Wole Soyinka (editor) Poems of Black Africa (Heinemann, UK). A hefty and catholic selection. Its Kenyan component includes the work of Abangira, Jared Angira, Jonathan Kariara and Amin Kassam.

Heinemann Book of African Poetry (Heinemann, UK/US). Includes the work of Kenyan poet Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye.





Literature of Kenya,
© 2004 EasyTravel.com

Although a number of authors have written in the older languages of Kenya, English still predominates as the medium for artistic expression, a situation which creates dilemmas for writers struggling both to reach a readership at home and to find viable channels for publication. Most Kenyan fiction is more cheaply available in Kenya than abroad.

Wahome Mutahi How to be a Kenyan (Kenway Pubications, Kenya) A satirical view of Kenyan life by one of the country's most popular newspaper columnists. Painfully funny, and rather close to the bone, the book takes a humorous look at Kenya's very worst side - it won't put you off the country, but it will certainly give you a chuckle at Kenya's expense. Mutahi followed it up with a sideswipe at Kenyan women entitled How to be a Kenyan Lady .

Renato Kizito Sesana Father Kizito's Notebook (Koinonia Media Centre, Kenya) Kenyan life from the Catholic perspective of Fr Kizitos weekly columns in the Sunday Nation. Full of insights into the struggle to survive that most people here call life, infused with humour and compassion.


Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen) Out of Africa (Penguin, UK/Vintage, US). This has become something of a cult book, particularly in the wake of the movie. First published in 1937, it describes Blixen's life (Dinesen was a nom de plume) on her Ngong Hills coffee farm between the wars. Read today, it seems to hover uncertainly between contemporary literature and historical document. It's an intense read - lyrical, introspective, sometimes obnoxiously and intricately racist, but worth pursuing and never superficial, unlike the film. Karen Blixen's own Letters from Africa 1914-1931 (trans. Anne Born, Chicago UP, US) gives posthumous insights.
Harry Hook The Kitchen Toto (o/p). By way of an antidote to a surfeit of settlers' yarns, this screenplay tells the story of Mwangi, a Kikuyu houseboy caught up in the early stages of the Mau Mau rebellion. Writer-director Hook's movie is as keen as a country panga and draws masterful performances from a largely unknown cast.

Elspeth Huxley The Flame Trees of Thika (o/p); The Mottled Lizard (o/p). Based on her own childhood, from a prolific author who also wrote numerous works on colonial history and society, including White Man's Country , a biography of the settlers' doyen, Lord Delamere , and Out in the Midday Sun: My Kenya , both as readable, if also predictable, as any. Her last book, Nine Faces of Kenya (Harvill, UK) is a somewhat dewy-eyed anthology of colonial East African ephemera. More interesting is the collection of her mother's letters, Nellie's Story , which includes some compelling coverage of the Mau Mau years from the pen of a likeably eccentric settler.

Beryl Markham West with the Night (Penguin, UK/Northpoint, US). Markham made the first east-west solo flight across the Atlantic. This is her only book about her life in the interwar Kenya colony, drawing together adventures, landscapes and contemporary figures. Not great literature, but highly evocative.

Richard Meinertzhagen Kenya Diary 1902-1906 (o/p). The haunting day-to-day narrative of a young British officer in the protectorate. Meinertzhagen's brutal descriptions of "punitive expeditions" are chillingly matter-of-fact and make the endless tally of his wildlife slaughter pale inoffensively in comparison. As a reminder of the savagery that accompanied the British intrusion, and a stark insight into the complex mind of one of its perpetrators, this is disturbing, highly recommended reading. Good photos, too.

Judith Thurman Isak Dinesen: The Life of a Story Teller (Penguin, UK/Picador, US). A biography that sets the record straighter and was the source of much of the material for the Out of Africa film.

Errol Trzebinski The Lives of Beryl Markham (Mandarin, UK/Norton, US). In which, among much else, it is suggested that Markham did not, and could not, have written West with the Night .


Justin Cartwright Masai Dreaming (Picador, UK/Random House, US). A compelling novel juxtaposing a film-maker's vision of Maasai-land with the barbarities of the Holocaust, linked by the tapes of a Jewish anthropologist.

Jeremy Gavron Moon (Penguin, UK). Vivid short novel about a white boy growing up on a farm during the Emergency.

Martha Gellhorn The Weather in Africa (Eland, UK). Three absorbing novellas, each dealing with aspects of the Europe-Africa relationship, set on the slopes of Kilimanjaro, in the "White Highlands" of Kenya and on the tourist coast north of Mombasa.

David Lambkin The Hanging Tree (Penguin, UK/Counterpoint, US). A human-nature-through-the-ages saga which makes a good yarn - in fact, several yarns.

John Le Carré The Constant Gardener (Hodder Headline, UK). The spymaster turns his hand to a whodunnit, in which a campaigner against the misdeeds of Western drug companies in Kenya is raped and murdered. Her husband, a British diplomat in Nairobi, fails to believe official explanations and starts his own investigation. Effectively banned in Kenya, the novel is brilliantly crafted, though not always convincing in its portrayal of today's expat society.

Paul Meyer Herdsboy (Northwest Publishing, US). American tourist "finds herself captive of a native tribe". A pacey first novel, set in Samburu-land, that overcomes the jacket description.

Maria Thomas Come to Africa and Save Your Marriage (Serpent's Tail, UK/Soho Press, US). Most of these tales are set in Kenya or Tanzania. Thomas's characters are solid, but the stories leave a wearying aftertaste as if there were nothing positive to be had from the expatriate experience. Her first novel, Antonia Saw the Oryx First , is painfully detailed - a good antidote to Out of Africa .

Barbara Wood Green City in the Sun (Pan, UK) A white settler family come into conflict with a Kikuyu medicine woman in one of the few credible novels about the realities of colonial Kenya by a mzungu writer.

ARTS of Kenya

Jane Barbour and Simiyu Wandibba Kenyan Pots and Potters (o/p). This comprehensive description of pot-making communities includes techniques, training, marketing and sociological perspectives.

Roy Braverman Islam and Tribal Art (o/p). A useful paperback text for the dedicated.
Susan Denyer African Traditional Architecture (Holmes & Meier, UK). Useful and interesting, with hundreds of photos (most of them old) and detailed line drawings.

Frank Willett African Art (Thames & Hudson, UK/US). An accessible volume; good value, with a generous illustrations-text ratio.

Geoffrey Williams African Designs from Traditional Sources (Dover, UK/US). A designer's and enthusiast's sourcebook, from the copyright-free publishers.

Look here for more books on

History and peoples
Mountain, hiking and diving guides
Coffee-table books



...................Writers of Kenya

Ali Mazrui
Charles Mangua
David Maillu
Grace Ogot
Jaramogi Oginga Odinga
John Kiriamiti
Jomo Kenyatta
Margaret Ogola
Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye
Meja Mwangi
Micere Githae Mugo
Ngugi wa Thiongo
Renato Kizito Sesana
Sam Kahiga
Thomas Akare
Wahome Mutahi
Yusuf K Dawood

To be continued.

Click here for more LINKS to authors of Kenya


Caroline Nderitu


Caroline Nderitu, an Introduction at the Kenya Saijiki Forum


Patrick Wafula's Bizzare Tales
"I love teaching children and writing stories for them. I also enjoy writing stories for the youth and adult. "

Read these fascinating tales online

Patrick Wafula and the KENYA SAIJIKI


You may like to visit the web sites of these two Nairobi bookshops for further inspiration :

Legacy Bookshop, located in Yaya Centre, Hurlingham, and also selling by internet :

Text Book Centre, located in Kijabe Street and in Sarit Centre, Westlands, where it has two separate shops -- one for textbooks and the other for a diverse range of literature, fiction and non fiction, photographic books, self-improvement books, children's books, stationary, art and office supplies.


Sasa Sema Publications have provided a wonderful series of books especially for children. The lives of many notable Africans are recorded to ensure that these heroes are never lost no matter where we are.

Related words

***** Music of Kenya, by Douglas Paterson

Please send your contributions to
Gabi Greve / Isabelle Prondzynski
worldkigo .....

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Karen Blixen

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Karen Blixen (1885-1962)

All sorrows can be borne
if you tell a story about them.

Karen Blixen

you can also write a haiku ...

Karen Blixen
in full Karen Christence Dinesen, Baroness Blixen-Finecke - wrote as Isak Dinesen, Pierre Andrézel, other pseudonyms Tania Blixen, Osceola, etc.
Read her short biography here.


Peony a kigo

The peony does not normally grow in Kenya.

However, Karen Blixen, in her famous book "Out of Africa" tells the story (if I remember it well) that, when she moved from Denmark to Kenya, she took a peony tuber with her and planted it, hoping against hope that it would take. With a lot of care and daily attention, take it did, and after a while, a beautiful flower formed.

Karen Blixen cut the flower and enjoyed it in her house for many days. But the plant withered and failed and never produced another flower. It was only later that an expert told her that the first flower of a peony plant must on no account be cut -- indeed, such cutting would end the life of the plant... Karen Blixen, in cutting the flower, had destroyed her own most cherished peony!

I know Karen Blixen's garden well, it is one of my favourite haunts in Nairobi. And when I sit there and reflect, the peony often comes to mind.

Kazuri Beads, a wonderful women's business very close to Karen Blixen's old farm house :

The women have even created a bead called "peony" in her honour :

Kazuri has been able to expand while still retaining its philanthropic roots. The workshop is still located on a portion of the farm once owned by Karen Von Blixen, of 'Out of Africa' fame, at the base of the Ngong Hills outside Nairobi. Kazuri means small and beautiful in Swahili, the language of Kenya.

Still, the peony is no kigo in Kenya...

Isabelle Prondzynski.


No jungle in Kenya -- too dry a country.
But Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai is trying to save what little remains of the primal forests around Mount Kenya and the Aberdare Mountains. Karen Blixen's home lies "at the foot of the Ngong Hills", as the book so dramatically opens, and the garden has beautiful vistas -- using "borrowed landscapes" just as the gardens of Kyoto do!

Isabelle Prondzynski


Karen Blixen Museum

This museum was originally the home of Karen Blixen, who came to Kenya from Denmark in the early part of this century; the present museum site is at the heart of the larger coffee plantation run by Blixen between 1914 and 1931. The house and surrounding land was donated by the Danish government to Kenya at independence; the house was restored by the Danish government and was used during the filming of Out of Africa, which immortalised Karen Blixen's book by the same name. The Museum was opened to the public in 1986.

Karen Blixen Museum
Curator: Josphene Thagwa
P.O. Box 40658, Nairobi
Tel: 254-2-882779


Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen) Out of Africa

This has become something of a cult book, particularly in the wake of the movie. First published in 1937, it describes Blixen's life (Dinesen was a nom de plume) on her Ngong Hills coffee farm between the wars. Read today, it seems to hover uncertainly between contemporary literature and historical document. It's an intense read - lyrical, introspective, sometimes obnoxiously and intricately racist, but worth pursuing and never superficial, unlike the film.

"White people, who for a long time live alone with Natives, get into the habit of saying what they mean, because they have no reason or opportunity for dissimulation, and when they meet again their conversation keeps the Native tone."
(from "Out of Africa")

Related words

***** Poetry and Literature of Kenya

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Jamhuri Day

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Jamhuri Day
(Republic Day -- Independence Day)

***** Location: Kenya
***** Season: Hot dry season, 12 December
***** Category: Observance



The 12th of December, 1963, was the day of the declaration of independence (Uhuru), and just one year later a new country was born: the Republic of Kenya, Jamhuri ya Kenya, presided by Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. He based his mandate, until his death in 1978, in something that would become a motto for the people of Kenya: Harambee, meaning "pulling all together at once".

With independence, many Europeans left the country, fearing that the free Kenya would give rise to new times of prosecution and extermination of the representatives of the old European power. In fact, the former Mau-Maus were waiting for the green light to invade the whites' farms. Very differently, those that chose to stay found a conciliatory and dialoguing Kenyatta, pragmatic and intelligent, inviting the Europeans to join Harambee and not excluding anyone of the national construction process. Some of the former Colony's chief civil servants kept their jobs. Kenyatta requested the Bristish troops in Kenya to remain and help him extinguish the Somalis revolts in the North East and an army mutiny in Nairobi. This presence would be expanded through a defense agreement between Kenya and Great Britain, that kept the British army in their current headquarters in Nanyuki.



More Kenya history :


Kibaki to address Jamhuri fete climax
(12 December 2003)

The 12-day festivities to mark Kenya's 40th independence anniversary will end today with fanfare and President Kibaki's address to the nation. The Head of State will preside over his first Jamhuri Day celebrations at Nyayo National Stadium.

Nairobi Provincial Commissioner Francis Sigei announced that a number of traditional dancers and choirs had been lined up to entertain guests at the stadium. In addition, a children display drill by Nairobi primary schools, trooping of the colour by 20 para-battalion and a fly past by Kenya Air Force Jets will feature.

Later in the afternoon, the President will host a Garden Party at State House.

Other festivities lined up include a football match between Coast Stars and AFC Leopards, netball at Railway Club and hockey at City Park. Mr Sigei said this year's celebrations were special because they marked a reflection on what has taken place in Kenya since 1963.

Some freedom fighters are expected to grace the occasion and are likely to be among those invited to the State House party. Several World leaders among them US President George Bush and Her majesty Queen Elizabeth of England sent congratulatory messages to President Kibaki.

Also congratulating the President was the Aga Khan Development Network.

President Bush said: "The elections of December 2002 and the strong tide of civic spirit that was evident then have made this year's national day one of special hope."

"The democratic transition that has occurred since Kenya's last national day has set an example for others and opened great opportunities both for Kenyans and for Kenya's relationships with its friends abroad," he added.

Cuban President Fidel Castro said: "I will avail myself to this significant anniversary to reiterate our resolve to continue doing our best to strengthen and expand the relations of friendship and cooperation between Cuba and Kenya."

Other messages came from leaders of Israel, Austria, China, Japan, several African countries and Kenya's high commissioners and ambassadors.

The would be Sh100 million 12-day festivities saw ministers and government officials conduct build up activities such as opening bridges, roads, exhibitions, taking part in clean-ups, prayers and anti-Aids campaign.

New coins of Sh40 went into circulation yesterday together with two commemorative ones – a gold one with a face value of Sh5,000 and a silver one valued at Sh1,000 – both of which bear President Kibaki's portrait.

With the three coins came a new Sh200 note bearing President Kenyatta's image.

Meanwhile, the Kenya Wildlife Service has announced reduced entry fees for Kenyans visiting the Nairobi Animal orphanage and Safari Walk today. Adults will pay Sh40 instead of Sh80 at the orphanage while children will pay Sh10. The Safari walk will attract Sh50 for adults and Sh20 for children.


Veteran politician Achieng' Oneko chats with Mrs Mukami Kimathi right), widow of his fellow freedom fighter Dedan Kimathi, after they both attended yesterday's Jamhuri Day celebrations at Nyayo National Stadium. With them is Mrs Nyambura Kariuki, widow of politician J. M. Kariuki. photo by:Joseph Mathenge (Daily Nation 13.12.2004)
source : www.nationmedia.com/dailynation/nmgindex.asp


The original Jamhuri Day was a happy occasion, with Lord Mountbatten representing the United Kingdom and Jomo Kenyatta representing Kenya. As the British flag was gradually lowered, Lord Mountbatten turned to Jomo Kenyatta and joked: "You can still change your mind!" -- an offer laughingly turned down.

Nowadays, most Kenyans spend Jamhuri Day either by attending public festivities in Nyayo Stadium or local stadiums in their towns (very entertaining, as described in the article above) or watching them live on television. The biggest moment is when the President rises to speak -- first in Swahili, then in English, and all listen to his political comments and priorities.

More light-hearted are the parades (including military, other uniformed forces, and also civic staff such as the Nairobi City Council road sweepers), each accompanied by their own bands and choirs, some of them semi-professional. A great highlight is the Kenya Airforce fly-past, the pilots highly skilled in aerobatics which I have rarely seen anywhere else. They take off in Nanyuki Airforce Base, some 200 km from Nairobi, and arrive with perfect timing and synchronisation to delight the crowds before sweeping around in a loop and heading back beyond Mount Kenya.

On public holidays, most shops are shut, and the newspapers publish special editions with historical articles and photographic memorabilia. These days are very much enjoyed by the public.

Jamhuri Day, happening as it does on 12 December, becomes the start of the Christmas season. Many Nairobians, who travel up-country to celebrate the feast with their rural families (goat meat being the preferred festive fare), stay there until after the New Year holiday.

Isabelle Prondzynski



On Melody Makers - Jamhuri Day treat of fun and revelry
Story by Amos Ngaira
Publication Date: 12/12/2004

Since it's Jamhuri Day today, revellers have an extended holiday tomorrow, which club owners and hoteliers will be keen to cash into.

In Nairobi, the highlights include a special Jamhuri Day performance this afternoon by veteran musician Aziz Abdi and his Orch Ngoma Afrika Band at the Jam Rescue Club on Jogoo Road. Aziz has lined up the best of his wide repertoire, including his latest song, Utamu wa Samaki, and old hit songs such as Nyumbani ni Nyumbani and Kina Kazi.

Members of his band include former Les Wanyika singer Rama Kocha and solo guitarist Malady. This afternoon, various traditional dance troupes will also perform.

For Benga fans, songbird Princess Jully and her Jolly Boys Band will this afternoon entertain at the Itua Gacwiri Gardens at Uthiru. She is riding high with tracks from her latest CD Resa.

The Weavers Band of James Limeri will entertain at the Pizza Garden at Landmark Hotel at Westlands. The group specialises in Lingala, Kiswahili, pop and Benga tunes.

Klub House II will tonight host a Soul party, and the Carnivore Restaurant, a Jamhuri Soul Nite in the Simba Saloon. At Kawangware, Mazembe Academia Band of ace guitarist Loboko Pasi will play new and old Lingala songs at Bora Bora Hotel.

Traditional dance and comedy shows

Nyeri: The famous Outspan Hotel will host shows by the Mt Kenya Mwomboko group, and comedy by the Gorillaman group on Jamhuri Day. The very young will this afternoon enjoy bouncing castles, horse rides, and face painting, with cool soothing music by the poolside. At the Impala Club, also in Nyeri, DJ Mike will host a Jamhuri jam session featuring the best of Blues, R&B and reggae. At Green Hills Hotel, DJs Mike and Jarovia will keep fans on their feet.

A concert dubbed the 'Great Eastern Bambika Party' will be held today at Hotel Milimani's Club Dimples. Rapper Lyrical Erico, of the Bambika hit song fame, will perform.

In Nairobi, Kenya's top record labels, music distributors, and entertainment firms are taking part in a four-day music exhibition, "Kenya Music Week" at the Expo Hall, Sarit Centre, which ends today.

Top band on tour of western Kenya

Kitale: The Everest Kings Band of Abdul Muyonga and Freshely Mwamburi will perform at a Jamhuri Day Special dance tonight at the Modern Club at Moi's Bridge.

The return of Mwamburi, composer of the hit song, Stella, has added life to the band. He had quit the band to join the Great Sound Band based at Athi River. Next week, they will perform at Makuti Club in Bungoma, and Mumias.

I Nakuru, Club Dimples will host a Jamhuri Day disco show, with DJs Mdosi and Double J.

The western Kenya nominations for the first annual national music talent search will be held on Friday at the Golf Hotel in Kakamega. The event was to be launched at Tsavorite Hotel, Voi last night. It has been sponsored by Soul Sounds, 4 Play Records (Majimaji Productions), Kidrays Street Productions (Nairobi), Sound Check Studio (Kisumu) and Stone ProductionsÝ

Acording to DJ Stone, the Kisumu nominations will be held on Saturday at the Beach Resort Club.

Compiled by Amos Ngaira

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Tanzania is also a "Jamhuri" (republic), but does not have a Jamhuri Day. Instead, it celebrates the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar (1964) on 26 April each year (Union Day / National Day).

Kenya music and dance is described on this page :


Watching the fly-past --
cool drinks in the garden --
Jamhuri Day.

Jamhuri Day --
we can still change our minds --
Christmas in London?

Isabelle Prondzynski 2004


Jamhuri Day --
not so sweet for the Mau Mau,
many dead and gone.

Isabelle Prondzynski 2004


Haiku collection

. Jamhuri Day 2011 .

. Jamhuri Day - Andrew Otinga .

Related words

***** Madaraka Day Kenya

***** Independence Day (worldwide at different seasons)



Ibis (Hadada)

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Ibis, Hadada Ibis
(Hagedashia hagedash, Bostrychia hagedash)

***** Location: Kenya, Africa
***** Season: short rains, long rain
***** Category: Animal


This large bird is associated with the rainy season in Kenya, when it ventures out of its normal marshy habitat and into the town or city. In Nairobi, it is then seen probing lawns and public gardens with its long beak, as the soil becomes soft after heavy rainfall. It flies over the city, alone or in groups, voicing its unforgettable cry, and landing to overlook suburban activities from the rooftops.

Isabelle Prondzynski




Identification : 30 in, 76 cm. Entire plumage olive-grey, rather paler on underparts, head and neck; metallic green wash on back and wing coverts, conspicuous only under good viewing conditions.

Voice : One of Africa's best known bird sounds, a loud far-carrying 'har, har, har'.

Distribution and habitat : Common resident throughout Africa in suitable habitats. Frequents swamps, marshes, flooded areas, rivers with treed banks, edges of lakes and pasture.

J.G. Williams, N.Arlott, A Field Guide to Bird of East Africa, © 1980


Great link with stamps about the Ibis:


World: Afrotropical species which is widespread S of 15°N except in the drier areas of E Somalia and the SW of the continent.

Kenya: Found mainly around permanent waters close to open forest or woodland. Notably absent from suitable habitats around Lake Turkana and on Mt Marsabit.

These birds have one of the most distinctive calls of all Kenyan birds. It is a loud, raucous Haa-Haa-Haa (or Haa-Daa-Daa - hence its name) which is belted out when they are in flight. They are particularly vocal at dawn and dusk on the way from and to their overnight roosts. They may be confused with the similarly dark plumaged Glossy Ibis but even at a distance the white cheek mark is clearly visible. These birds are often found foraging on lawns.

More information here :


Worldwide use

Australian Ibis Haiku



The Crested Ibis, Toki トキ is of the Ibis Family.
Also written 桃花鳥, 鴇 or 朱鷺.
It is a kigo for all autumn.

Its country of origin is China, but it has been a subject of interest since the old Chronicles of Japan (Nihon Shoki). The German doctor Siebold (1796-1866)was the first to introduce the Japanese Toki to Europe.
A very slight pink color is called "Toki Pink" 鴇色.

The Toki (Japanese Crested Ibis) goes by the scientific name Nipponia nippon. In the past, this magnificent bird could be seen in all parts of Japan, but due to overhunting and environmental pollution in the early 20th century its number plunged until only few remained. The Toki is now on the verge of extinction. In 1952 the species was designated a Special Natural Monument, and in 1960 it was listed as an internationally protected species. Despite strenuous efforts at captive breeding, there is only one surviving native-born example of the species in Japan; this is a 25-year-old female bird named Kin which is cared for at the Toki Preservation Center on Sado Island in Niigata Prefecture.

The bird was believed to have died out everywhere except in Japan, but in 1981 it was confirmed that 12 specimens were living in China. Breeding efforts paid off and the population increased year by year, to 85 birds as of July 1996. Japan and China have also been working closely to conserve the bird. For example, Japan received a male ibis on loan, in exchange for the training of Chinese breeding experts and the provision of equipment and materials for China. Unfortunately, Midori, the sole surviving native male Toki, died in April 1995.

When fully grown the Toki stands about 75 centimeters (29.5 inches) tall. Its head and legs are red, and at the top of the head are feathers that, when they stand up, form a crown-like crest. Covered with a veil of pinkish white feathers the bird is very colorful. At the Toki Preservation Center the staff are still working hard to prolong the life of the last remaining example of this species.

hatsu natsu ya toki no tamago ni toki no oya

early Summer -
the eggs of the toki
the parents of the toki


Things found on the way

Kenya uses a standard series of stamps with images of well-known Kenyan birds -- the hadada ibis graces the KShs. 100/- stamp, which is the highest denomination.

Several other African countries also feature the hadada ibis on their respective stamps :


hanging clothes
by the growing beans --
ibis watching

evening star --
forty-two ibises
fly past my home

Isabelle Prondzynski


plunging clouds -
the ibis
buries its beak

doris kasson



steady rain
the park puddle connects
the ibis to me

Alma E Bird



flying elbow-high
the ibis flock rejoins itself
ahead of me

Laura Young

The crested ibis
flies beyond the turtle's sight:
Masako follows.



ten ibis
wait on branch tips for
mist to lift

Lorne Henry (Australia)

Related words




Hurricane Warning

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Hurricane Warning

***** Location: Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean. Other areas
***** Season: Rainy or Wet Season
..... Summer in cold climates
***** Category: Humanity


Warnings and watches
are two levels of alert issued by national weather forecasting bodies to coastal areas threatened by the imminent approach of a tropical cyclone of tropical storm or hurricane intensity. They are notices to the local population and civil authorities to make appropriate preparation for the cyclone, including evacuation of vulnerable areas where necessary.
It is important that interests throughout the area of an alert make preparations to protect life and property, and do not disregard it on the strength of the detailed forecast track. Tropical cyclones are not points, and forecasting their track remains an uncertain science.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Hurricane Dean
CLICK for more photos !CLICK for more photos !

This is s the fourth named storm, first hurricane, and first major hurricane of the 2007 Atlantic hurricane season.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

.. . Compiled by Gillena Cox, 2007

Worldwide use

Hurricane, Typhoon, Cyclone .. Worldwide

Things found on the way


hurricane warning
inter-island fellowship
Click HERE for the haiga !

hurricane warning
the wildflowers
without butterflies

© gillena cox, Trinidad and Tobago, 2007

Related words

***** Hurricane, Typhoon, Cyclone .. Worldwide

***** Trinidad and Tobago Saijiki

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Hell's Gate

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Hell's Gate

***** Location: Kenya
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Earth


Hell’s Gate National Park is one of the smaller national parks of Kenya, and one of the more exciting ones. Unusually, it is accessible by foot, and indeed, the gorge running through the park needs to be walked with stout and reliable footwear!

It is renowned for its rocky cliffs as well as for the volcanic activity in the area, which has led to the geothermal power station in Olkaria since 1981 -- the biggest in Africa and one of the most interesting in the world, at this time when everyone is seeking new sources of energy.

Hell’s Gate is close to Lake Naivasha, a fresh water lake in the Rift Valley (surrounded by huge flower farms exporting all over the world). Lake Naivasha is regularly in the news, being a valuable national resource, which must not be spoilt by pollution or global warming.

Text © Isabelle Prondzynski


Photo © Patrick Wafula


Hell's Gate National Park is a tiny park located between Naivasha Lake and Longonot and Suswa volcanoes and it is an ideal venue for a weekend retreat far from the urban life of Nairobi.
The park provides a variety of wildlife, unusual flora and many species of birds and is one of the two only Kenyan parks where climbing, walking and biking are allowed. Covered by ashes from the Longonot eruption which occured 100 years ago, the park is famous for its geothermal station, Lower Gorge and spectacular sceneries (cliffs, volcanoes, gorges, geothermal steam).

Also, the park has very good and well equipped camping sites and there is a large choice of accommodation around Naivasha lake which is popular for watersports, bird and game viewing in private ranches and walks at Crescent Island, Crater Lake and Mt Longonot.


More photos and data on this web site from the Kenya Wildlife Service :


More photos here :

Kenya: the Olkaria geothermal plant
::: Solutions for a stable climate :::

14 Sep 2005

The Olkaria II plant in Kenya’s Rift Valley, inaugurated in March 2004, is the first geothermal power station in Africa. It generates electricity by pumping water down to volcanic hot areas and using the steam that produces to drive turbines.

Funded by the World Bank and the state-owned KenGen electricity company, Olkaria II involved the construction of an integrated steamfield and power plant with a capacity of 70 MW.
Kenya has a potential 2000 MW of geothermal energy in the Rift Valley. This could replace oil-based power plants in the country’s current development plans, according to World Bank country director, Makhtar Diop.

Diop reaffirmed the World Bank’s support for geothermal energy as a clean source of electric power, adding that electric power development was “crucial in reducing poverty”.

KenGen is the leading electric power generation company in Kenya, producing about 80% of the country’s electricity. The company utilises various sources to generate electricity including hydro, geothermal, thermal and wind.

“By developing geothermal energy, Kenya will not only have clean power, but also save on foreign exchange,” according to KenGen managing director Edward Njoroge.

Kenyan diesel power plants use imported fuel oil.

Olkaria project manager, Darryl Judkins, said it was “a huge milestone” for geothermal energy in Africa in general and for Kenya in particular.

“The power station is modern, reliable, well integrated with the National Park in which it sits, and it is earning good revenue,” he said.

Olkaria has also become a tourist attraction in itself, boosting revenue for the Kenya Wildlife Service.

Olkaria I began to be commissioned in 1981, with three 15 MW machines.

... http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/

CLICK for original LINK !



Plans are underway to add a third unit of 35 MW to the 70 MW Olkaria II Geothermal Power Plant. This emanated from the excess steam available in both Olkaria II and Olkaria I geothermal fields. The World Bank has already approved the funding for the project. A consultant will update the numerical simulation study of Olkaria I geothermal field and carry out similar study for the Olkaria II geothermal field.

The results of this study are expected to confirm that there is sufficient steam to sustain production at the anticipated expanded generation capacity of 150 MW for another 30 years.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Patrick Wafula writes

The Bamboochas and other Bahati students went on a geographical expedition to Hell's Gate and returned with amazing haiku, experience and photos. Some of our haiku and photos are right here for sharing with you.
Please enjoy!

The Bahati students at Hell’s Gate National Park

car after car
blowing dust into our faces --
the constant clatter of shoes

a dusty road between
two majestic rocky walls --
Hell's Gate

out of the green grass
a baboon waves its frail hand --
flash of a camera

the tall neck
of a giraffe above the trees --
chirping of birds

a monkey carrying a baby
snatches bread from a student --
picnic in Hell's Gate

jubilant students
showering in the hot spring --
hot vapour from the earth

sprained ankles
and aching muscles --
end of expedition

vast expanse
of a flat blue haze --
Lake Naivasha

whirr of boat engine --
giggles of excitement from
girls enjoying boat ride

lazy hippos yawning
and yearning for the night --
hump over the lake

a student burns
her finger in a hot spring --
scouts at work

mountain climbing --
all are bent and on their

~ Text, photos and haiku © Patrick Wafula


over a rocky perch
a gentle waterfall empties its
water down the valley

students admire
beauty and placidity --
sceneries of gorges

Larking by the waterfall
Photo © Patrick Wafula

little gazelle
grazes beside a zebra
as mother keeps guard

at a distance
a rocky perch of the hill
remains standing

~ Raymond Otieno


Hell's gate
coughing and sneezing
the dusty roads

Hell’s Gate indeed!
Photo © Patrick Wafula

a young woman
determinedly climbing
a huge boulder

a herd of zebras
hastily crossing
a dusty path

a male Baboon
charging towards
a screaming girl

troop of Baboons
snathes a bag from
a girl's hand

a giraffe
munching twigs from
tall trees

a brown hippo
dives after the
roar of the motorboat

two warthogs
drinking water from
a dirty pool

Mr. Macharia
half crawling after
the long trek

discreetly dozing --
a student leans on the
dining table

~ Catherine Njeri Maina

Related words

***** Magadi, Lake Magadi in the Rift Valley

***** Rift Valley

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